Neus Castells

Swing - Lindy Hop, Balboa, Swing - Solo Jazz, Super Followers, Lindy Hop Low Cost & Cardio SwingTeacher

She discovered the world of Swing by chance, when she was walking one rainy day through Ciutadella park, in Barcelona. She was captivated by the music and the dance and decided to take up Lindy Hop classes in 2007, after which she moved on to Charleston and finally Balboa, taking classes in Barcelona as well in international workshops. Going to all the dancings and events in Barcelona she could, she has been dancing almost everyday since then; for her a day without dancing and without having tryed and learned something new is like a wasted day.

Lindy Hop Low Cost

PT - Beginners Intermediate

Ref. 2324TRM05 LHLWPT B2200 BG

Dia: Tuesday

Hour: from 22:00 to 22:55

Inici: 07-05-2024

Room: 6 Carrer Roger de flor, 293 - 08025 Barcelona

Profe/s: Neus Castells

Preu: 32€ /mes 32€ /mes

Aquest curs fa 8 mesos que ha començat. Et recomanem fer una prova de nivell abans d'apuntar-t'hi.

Comentaris: Curso con precio especial, no acomulable con otros descuentos.
Aquest curs el farà un sol professor/a.
L'escola NO quadrarà la classe, millor apuntar-se amb parella.
A aquest curs no se li apliquen descomptes ni compta per altres cursos on si se n'apliquin.

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