Live casino bonus

All casinos with live dealers offer new and returning players different types of bonuses when depositing money into the gaming account. The different kinds of bonuses provided for the live casino are not any different from the ones offered at other types of online casinos. They might however have different wagering requirements. Make sure you know what the wagering requirements for the bonus money when you intend to deposit.

The most common live casino bonuses are listed below

  • Welcome Bonus - This is the bonus you receive when opening a new account with a casino.
  • Deposit bonus - The deposit bonus is a bonus which matches your deposit. E.g. You deposit 100 USD and the casino matches your deposit with an additional 100 USD. Total play amount 200 USD.
  • Reload bonus - If your account has not been active for a while and you add money sometimes casinos give a reload bonus of 30-100%.
  • High Roller Bonus - A type of deposit bonus if you gamble a lot.

How to choose the Best Live Casino?

When choosing the best live casino there are several factors to consider. In the below list, Casinova has compiled the most important factors to consider when choosing the right live casino for your needs.

  1. Bonus - How big is the bonus amount you can receive from a certain casino provider, the more is not always better, sometimes smaller bonuses come lower wagering requirements.
  2. Language - What languages ​​does the live casino dealer speak? Do you have any particular requirements?
  3. Software - What software providers are offered by the casino? If you have any favorite games you would like to play in a live version, make sure to check which software provider offers it!
  4. Compliance - Which compliance agency is governing the casino game you would like to play?
  5. License - Where does the casino you've chosen have its license?

Who can play Live Casino?

Any player of any experience level with an account at an online casino with access to live casinos can play. Apart from that, you also need a connected device with access to the internet. Look for the word “Live Dealers” once you have signed in.

What is the best time of day to play Live Casino?

According to several studies done by professional gamblers the best time to play live casino is at night. We don’t know why but, due to some reason, the odds seem to be in your favor after sunset. It's also important not to play when you're not drunk or have consumed too much alcohol. The gaming judgment seems to decline when intoxicated.

Why are Live Casino better than Land-Cased Casinos?

We think most professional players would argue that land-based casinos are better than playing at live online casinos. At we believe you can’t adequately compare a real land-based casino gaming experience with anything in the world - nothing is as fun! Having said that, a live online casino experience is as good as it gets and there are several positive factors playing live online casinos compared to land-based live casinos. These include easier money management, better convenience and easier communication with the live casino dealers.

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