Trenbolone Pills

Trenbolone Pills

Oral Tren pills are an anabolic steroid that bodybuilders use in conjunction with a Methyltrienolone/Metribolone steroid cycle. Methyltrienolone can be described as a modified Nandrolone. The only difference is that it has an additional methyl group at 17alpha, which protects the drug from oral abuse. Second, the double bond between carbons 9-10 decreases binding and slows down its metabolism, reducing binding. It is a powerful steroid with a long half-life and low binding to blood proteins. Methyltrienolone, also known as Methyl trenbolone, differs only from Trenbolone in that it contains a methyl group at c17-alpha. This alteration affects the drug's activity and cannot be considered an oral analog of Trenbolone.

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Oral Tren Effects

  1. Methyltrienolone, like any other steroid, increases strength.
  2. The cycle can result in significant weight gain. You could gain more than 10 kg.
  3. Subcutaneous fat is reduced.
  4. Indicators of IGF growth.
  5. This reduces cortisol production.
  6. Increases your recovery time after a workout.

Drug administration

Studies have shown that oral androgenic steroids can be less bioavailable when taken with food. Because androgenic steroids are fat-soluble, some of them may dissolve in fat. This can reduce absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. This drug should be taken empty stomach to achieve maximum effects.

People who want to take this drug seriously must be aware of its toxic effects. Regular blood tests are required to ensure the drug does not damage the liver. You should not use the drug for more than four weeks. A single dose of 0.5 mg (2 tablets) is sufficient to produce an immediate and clear anabolic effect. You can take 0.5mg up to 2mg (2-8 tabs) daily.

Combination of other Steroids

You can add Dianabol to your Oral Tren cycle if you cannot progress with a single Oral Tren cycle. If your goal is to build quality muscle mass, then you can combine Oral Tren with Oxandrolone and Winstrol. When combined with other drugs, the dosage will be lower than a single cycle.

Side effects

Hepatotoxicity - The liver can become damaged by alkylated orogenic anabolic steroids. The liver can be damaged if you take them in large doses or for long periods of time.

Androgenic - This refers to increased oiliness, acne, and hair growth on the face and body. Anabolic steroids may make it more difficult to lose hair of male-pattern. Women must be aware of the possible virilization effects of androgenic anabolic steroids. These include a hardened voice and irregular periods, changes to skin texture, facial hair growth, and a larger clitoris.

Estrogenic - Methyltrienolone is not aromatized and has no estrogenic activities. Progestins may increase estrogen's stimulating effect on breast tissue growth. Progestins can increase estrogen levels without increasing gynecomastia.

You can also see products made by other manufacturers in the Metribolone tablets section. Also, we recommend you read the entire section on Oral Steroids.

Oral Tren is shipped to the USA within 5-12 business days. For any questions or concerns, please contact our customer service department.

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