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Swing - Lindy Hop See online courses See new courses

TV - Intermediate Advanced 1
Swing - Lindy Hop
TV - Intermediate Advanced 1
Thursday from 20:00 to 20:55 (CET)
Class Days: 06/02, 13/02, 20/02 and 27/02
Curso Mensual / February
Physical attendance
TV - Intermediate Advanced 2
Swing - Lindy Hop
TV - Intermediate Advanced 2
Thursday from 19:00 to 19:55 (CET)
Class Days: 06/02, 13/02, 20/02 and 27/02
Curso Mensual / February
Physical attendance
V - Advanced 1
Swing - Lindy Hop
V - Advanced 1
Thursday from 21:00 to 21:55 (CET)
Class Days: 06/02, 13/02, 20/02 and 27/02
Curso Mensual / February
Physical attendance
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